Oregon Coast Cup 2014


Head Shot Name Handicap Lifetime Record Record Edit
Alex Ely 0.0 1-4-0
Ben Cooper 10.6 24-21-6 3-2-0
Billy McGee 8.6 22-21-4 2-2-1
Bob Miller 12.6 1-3-1
Curtis Bush 6.1 7-4-1 4-1-0
Derek Victory 7.4 17-28-6 3-2-0
Gerald Ohara 8.9 25-32-8 1-4-0
Jon Bennett 11.4 8-20-4 2-2-1
Justin Ball 3.1 27-19-10 1-4-0
Justin Ball 3.3 27-19-10 0-0-0
Todd Downes 2.9 15-10-3 4-1-0
Ty Miller 10.6 1-3-1
Vinny DiGiano 0.8 36-23-6 2-3-0


Head Shot Name Handicap Lifetime Record Record Edit
Alasdair Clements 5.7 15-21-0 2-3-0
Chip Loutrel 7.3 30-27-8 4-1-0
Cliff Dong 5.7 25-21-5 3-2-0
Daniel Chang 14.1 27-27-11 1-3-1
Greg Vandenbosch 10.4 29-26-10 3-1-1
Gregg Hileman 3.2 8-5-2 4-1-0
John Yeung 2.9 24-17-0 3-2-0
Marc Trovato 5.21 30-23-8 2-2-1
Mike Montgomery 0.7 18-20-5 3-2-0
Nathan Fox 2.8 17-30-7 2-3-0
Paul Koehorst 5.5 20-19-11 1-4-0
Setrak Soghomonian 11.0 5-4-1 3-1-1

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